Strojinci - Brus timetable
4Bus station
Days of service: business days.
4Bus station
Days of service: business days.
4Bus station
Days of service: business days, school-days (Serbia).
4Bus station
Days of service: business days, school-days (Serbia).
4Bus station
Days of service: business days.
4Bus station
Days of service: business days.
4Bus station
Days of service: business days.
4Bus station
Days of service: business days.
4Bus station
Days of service: business days, school-days (Serbia).
4Bus station
Days of service: business days, school-days (Serbia).
4Bus station
Days of service: business days.
4Bus station
Days of service: business days.
Naselja Strojinci i Brus su međusobno udaljena ~12 km. Putovanje između ova dva mesta traje najkraće 25min., a najduže 30min., u zavisnosti od prevoznika. Na ovoj relaciji prevoz obavlja ukupno 1 prevoznika. Prvi polazak sa stanice Strojinci je u 06:00 h, dok je poslednji polazak u 15:45 h, za traženi datum.