European bus timetables and ticket booking
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Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) - Novi Sad timetable

thursday, 06.02.2025.
15:00 22:30 (07:30)
Bus stationMAS - Central bus station
The timetable is valid until: 31.12.2045.
Days of service: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday.
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi), Bus station
dep. 15:00
Prijedor, Bus station
arr. 15:45
dep. 15:45
30 km
Banja Luka, Bus station
arr. 16:45
dep. 16:45
94 km
Gradiska, Border crossing (BA)
arr. 17:40
dep. 17:40
149 km
Stara Gradiska, Border crossing (HR)
arr. 18:00
dep. 18:00
149.1 km
Bajakovo, Border crossing (HR)
arr. 20:30
dep. 20:30
317 km
Batrovci, Border crossing (RS)
arr. 20:50
dep. 20:50
317.1 km
arr. 21:45
dep. 21:45
378 km
arr. 22:30
415 km
17:58 04:05 (10:07)
Bus stationMAS - Central bus station
The timetable is valid until: 31.12.2045.
Days of service: every second day.
Non Bookable
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi), Bus station
dep. 17:58
Prijedor, Bus station
arr. 19:00
dep. 19:00
32 km
Banja Luka, Bus station
arr. 19:50
dep. 19:50
86 km
Prnjavor, Bus station
arr. 20:50
dep. 20:50
138 km
Derventa, Bus station STP
arr. 21:55
dep. 21:55
172 km
Modrica, Bus station
arr. 22:30
dep. 22:30
224 km
Samac, Bus station
arr. 22:45
dep. 22:45
245 km
Brcko, Bus station
arr. 00:00
dep. 00:00
284 km
Bijeljina, Bus station
arr. 00:40
dep. 00:40
325 km
Bosanska Raca, Border crossing (BA)
arr. 01:30
dep. 01:30
346 km
Sremska Raca, Border crossing (RS)
arr. 01:40
dep. 01:40
348 km
Kuzmin kod Sremske Mitrovice, Intersection
arr. 01:50
dep. 01:50
365 km
Sremska Mitrovica, Bus station
arr. 02:30
dep. 02:30
383 km
Ruma, Bus station
arr. 02:45
dep. 02:45
403 km
arr. 04:05
441 km
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) - Novi Sad timetable
Departures on: friday, 07.02.2025.
15:00 22:30 (07:30)
Bus stationMAS - Central bus station
The timetable is valid until: 31.12.2045.
Days of service: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday.
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi), Bus station
dep. 15:00
Prijedor, Bus station
arr. 15:45
dep. 15:45
30 km
Banja Luka, Bus station
arr. 16:45
dep. 16:45
94 km
Gradiska, Border crossing (BA)
arr. 17:40
dep. 17:40
149 km
Stara Gradiska, Border crossing (HR)
arr. 18:00
dep. 18:00
149.1 km
Bajakovo, Border crossing (HR)
arr. 20:30
dep. 20:30
317 km
Batrovci, Border crossing (RS)
arr. 20:50
dep. 20:50
317.1 km
arr. 21:45
dep. 21:45
378 km
arr. 22:30
415 km
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) - Novi Sad timetable
Departures on: saturday, 08.02.2025.
17:58 04:05 (10:07)
Bus stationMAS - Central bus station
The timetable is valid until: 31.12.2045.
Days of service: every second day.
Non Bookable
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi), Bus station
dep. 17:58
Prijedor, Bus station
arr. 19:00
dep. 19:00
32 km
Banja Luka, Bus station
arr. 19:50
dep. 19:50
86 km
Prnjavor, Bus station
arr. 20:50
dep. 20:50
138 km
Derventa, Bus station STP
arr. 21:55
dep. 21:55
172 km
Modrica, Bus station
arr. 22:30
dep. 22:30
224 km
Samac, Bus station
arr. 22:45
dep. 22:45
245 km
Brcko, Bus station
arr. 00:00
dep. 00:00
284 km
Bijeljina, Bus station
arr. 00:40
dep. 00:40
325 km
Bosanska Raca, Border crossing (BA)
arr. 01:30
dep. 01:30
346 km
Sremska Raca, Border crossing (RS)
arr. 01:40
dep. 01:40
348 km
Kuzmin kod Sremske Mitrovice, Intersection
arr. 01:50
dep. 01:50
365 km
Sremska Mitrovica, Bus station
arr. 02:30
dep. 02:30
383 km
Ruma, Bus station
arr. 02:45
dep. 02:45
403 km
arr. 04:05
441 km
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) - Novi Sad timetable
Departures on: sunday, 09.02.2025.
15:00 22:30 (07:30)
Bus stationMAS - Central bus station
The timetable is valid until: 31.12.2045.
Days of service: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday.
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi), Bus station
dep. 15:00
Prijedor, Bus station
arr. 15:45
dep. 15:45
30 km
Banja Luka, Bus station
arr. 16:45
dep. 16:45
94 km
Gradiska, Border crossing (BA)
arr. 17:40
dep. 17:40
149 km
Stara Gradiska, Border crossing (HR)
arr. 18:00
dep. 18:00
149.1 km
Bajakovo, Border crossing (HR)
arr. 20:30
dep. 20:30
317 km
Batrovci, Border crossing (RS)
arr. 20:50
dep. 20:50
317.1 km
arr. 21:45
dep. 21:45
378 km
arr. 22:30
415 km
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) - Novi Sad timetable
Departures on: monday, 10.02.2025.
15:00 22:30 (07:30)
Bus stationMAS - Central bus station
The timetable is valid until: 31.12.2045.
Days of service: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday.
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi), Bus station
dep. 15:00
Prijedor, Bus station
arr. 15:45
dep. 15:45
30 km
Banja Luka, Bus station
arr. 16:45
dep. 16:45
94 km
Gradiska, Border crossing (BA)
arr. 17:40
dep. 17:40
149 km
Stara Gradiska, Border crossing (HR)
arr. 18:00
dep. 18:00
149.1 km
Bajakovo, Border crossing (HR)
arr. 20:30
dep. 20:30
317 km
Batrovci, Border crossing (RS)
arr. 20:50
dep. 20:50
317.1 km
arr. 21:45
dep. 21:45
378 km
arr. 22:30
415 km
17:58 04:05 (10:07)
Bus stationMAS - Central bus station
The timetable is valid until: 31.12.2045.
Days of service: every second day.
Non Bookable
Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi), Bus station
dep. 17:58
Prijedor, Bus station
arr. 19:00
dep. 19:00
32 km
Banja Luka, Bus station
arr. 19:50
dep. 19:50
86 km
Prnjavor, Bus station
arr. 20:50
dep. 20:50
138 km
Derventa, Bus station STP
arr. 21:55
dep. 21:55
172 km
Modrica, Bus station
arr. 22:30
dep. 22:30
224 km
Samac, Bus station
arr. 22:45
dep. 22:45
245 km
Brcko, Bus station
arr. 00:00
dep. 00:00
284 km
Bijeljina, Bus station
arr. 00:40
dep. 00:40
325 km
Bosanska Raca, Border crossing (BA)
arr. 01:30
dep. 01:30
346 km
Sremska Raca, Border crossing (RS)
arr. 01:40
dep. 01:40
348 km
Kuzmin kod Sremske Mitrovice, Intersection
arr. 01:50
dep. 01:50
365 km
Sremska Mitrovica, Bus station
arr. 02:30
dep. 02:30
383 km
Ruma, Bus station
arr. 02:45
dep. 02:45
403 km
arr. 04:05
441 km

Naselja Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) i Novi Sad su međusobno udaljena ~427 km. Putovanje između ova dva mesta traje najkraće 07h i 30min., a najduže 10h i 07min., u zavisnosti od prevoznika. Na ovoj relaciji prevoz obavlja ukupno 2 prevoznika. Prvi polazak sa stanice Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) je u 15:00 h, dok je poslednji polazak u 17:58 h, za traženi datum. Cena karte za relaciju Novi Grad (Bosanski Novi) - Novi Sad iznosi od 20,99 EUR do 20,99 EUR.

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