European bus timetables and ticket booking

Our Stations website provides address and contact data of each registered bus station listed by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce. The virtual display demonstrates also the capability of our IT system which is able to provide real-time traffic data if it is connected with operator`s and station manager`s legacy system.

Find here your destination and operator with updated information on departure/arrival and platform data!

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MAS - Central bus station - Novi Sad (RS)

Next departures
Operator To Via Departure
Lens Subotica Belgrade (Beograd) 09:20
JGSP Novi Sad Sremski Karlovci Petrovaradin 09:30
As Tours Srpska Crnja Zrenjanin 09:30
JGSP Novi Sad Vrdnik Sremska Kamenica 09:30
Lasta Belgrade (beograd) Zemun (Beograd) 09:30
Dunavprevoz Belgrade (beograd) Zemun (Beograd) 09:35
JGSP Novi Sad Gospodinci Temerin 09:35
Dunavprevoz Mladenovo Veternik 09:45
Bečejprevoz Becej Backo Gradiste 09:50
Šidexpres Sid Sremska Mitrovica 09:54
JGSP Novi Sad Lug kod Beocina Sremska Kamenica 09:55
Dunavprevoz Vrbas Rumenka 10:00
Saobraćaj Žabalj Curug Zabalj 10:00
Jugoprevoz Kruševac Krusevac Belgrade (Beograd) 10:00
Solaris Tours Odzaci Backi Petrovac 10:00
Severtrans Sombor Belgrade (beograd) Zemun (Beograd) 10:00
JGSP Novi Sad Sremski Karlovci Petrovaradin 10:10
Sirmiumbus Irig 10:10
Mačva Expres Sabac Platicevo 10:15
Best Komerc Bus Vrnjacka Banja Belgrade (Beograd) 10:15
Severtrans Sombor Sombor Zemun (Beograd) 10:15
JGSP Novi Sad Cerevic Sremska Kamenica 10:20
JGSP Novi Sad Temerin Backi Jarak 10:20
Niš ekspres Kursumlija Belgrade (Beograd) 10:20
JGSP Novi Sad Sremski Karlovci Petrovaradin 10:30
Route Map
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