European bus timetables and ticket booking
Find all Serbian bus operators in one place. Search in our data base and be informed about their contact details. You are able to evaluate the quality of service provided by them as well as to share your experience with us and all users of our web site. Feel free to address your comments to bus operators as all feedback could improve their service. Rate their vehicle fleet, personnel, timetable keeping and cleanness of their buses. The sequence of displayed operators follows the number of active departures from the biggest to smaller operators.
36300 Novi Pazar
Stevana Nemanje 16
Users feedback (65)
Cleanness of vehicles
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Cleanness of vehicles

Uzas. Imala sam rezervisan polazak u pola 3. Receno mi je da vozaca pozovem sat vremena ranije, pozvala sam i onda je vozac rekao da su oni vec daleko otisli od mesta na kom je trebalo da me pokupe tek za sat vremena. Vozac kaze da je zena koja je rezervisala mesto kriva, ta zena kaze da je vozac kriv jer nije javio o promeni plana polaska jer je vozac sam resio da krene ranije, a druga zena iz agencije kaze da taj autobus nikada na tom mestu i ne skuplja putnike. Ne zna se ko je ludji ovde. Nikad vise sa vama nigde cak i da vi meni platite. Sram vas bilo

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