European bus timetables and ticket booking
Find all Serbian bus operators in one place. Search in our data base and be informed about their contact details. You are able to evaluate the quality of service provided by them as well as to share your experience with us and all users of our web site. Feel free to address your comments to bus operators as all feedback could improve their service. Rate their vehicle fleet, personnel, timetable keeping and cleanness of their buses. The sequence of displayed operators follows the number of active departures from the biggest to smaller operators.
Fenix Tours
79000 Prijedor
Omarska, Palih boraca bb
Timetable / Tickets
Users feedback (14)
Cleanness of vehicles
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Cleanness of vehicles
Smesni ste

Kakve su to fore prodaju se karte za 17 ljudi vise. Druze ne ide se 10 km pa kao ajde stajace ljudi. Ne ovo je novi sad - banja luka. 300km+, treba stajati 7 sati.... Sta smo mi svi idioti nasli noge na ulici?? Naravno cena karte nije kao puna cena, nego bato nikada skuplja. E balkanu raspali...

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